Timed Quiz Action After Timeout

Feb 21, 2013

At the moment, when a timed quiz reaches the countdown, the learner is left on the same slide and then has to hit next to get to the end of the quiz even though they can no longer answer questions.

I need the learner to be taken directly to the Results slide instead but cannot figure out how to control the action of the button that alerts the learner of their timed out status.

13 Replies
Christine Hendrickson

Hi Rusty,

I'm not sure if this would work for you, but you could use the information in this blog post to show a notification that the time available for the quiz has run out. Then, if you'd like, you can add a trigger to a button on the notification to jump to the results slide and/or submit the quiz. 

Obviously you don't need to set it up the same way, but maybe the option to have the prompt (which would let the learner know they are out of time) and the button would help get the learner to the slide you want them to see. 

Christine Hendrickson

Good morning Rusty,

Sorry for the delay, we got a little busier than usual and I wasn't able to get back to this thread.

Also, I want to apologize for the mix up, entirely my fault. I had seen where you had posted in another thread about this and then I saw this thread and began looking around for any options that might work for you. When I saw the post for the prompt, I got excited and just jumped to the conclusion that you'd be able to add additional triggers to the "OK" button on that prompt. It didn't even occur to me that the prompt is actually part of the player prompts and not in the feedback. Again, I know I got your hopes up with this, I'm very sorry for any confusion. 

I'm hoping we'll still be able to find something that will work for you, though. I'll try to look around some more and do some testing. If you're able to find something that works for you, please share!



Trevor Hunt

I'm having the exact same problem as Rusty. I created a timed quiz that randomly draws from a large question bank. Once time runs out, the user is notified that the quiz has ended, but then has to click through ALL of the remaining questions. It really makes no sense that it was built this way. The quiz should end when it ends.

jay hoffman

Regina -- I've also been trying to come up with a work-around for awhile, and the best approach I can envision is for the starting slide to launch an external timer app and pass the max time allowed, have each quiz question make an external call to the app that allows the timer to then compare elapsed time to max time and, if max exceeded, pass a parameter back to the slide that will cause it to jump to the results slide.  

This will require some coding skills (which we have), but the pain has not risen to the point of action.  In the meantime, I'm holding out for the long-delayed SDK in the hopes that the system variables we need will be exposed and we can do this all internally (or, better still, that Articulate acts on our several feature requests and delivers the feature itself ).

Hope this helps... jay 

Trevor Hunt


I built my own timer in storyline that was able to replace the articulate timer. The catch is that you have to limit the user to a set amount of time on each question before it kicks them forward to the next question. Here's what I did...

I created a number variable called "QuizTimer". Prior to the quiz starting that timer is set to a maximum amount of time. On each quiz page I limited the amount of time per question to 15 seconds. I did this by creating 15 small squares at the top that visually tick away / disappear. Those squares each subtract 1 from the QuizTimer variable when their timelines end. At 15 seconds, when the last square disappears, the user is sent to the incorrect slide layer and then automatically sent to the next question.

On the quiz slide master, I created an object off screen with the code to go the results slide when the timer equals 0.

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