Timeline doesn't move when a new slide appears

Jun 20, 2013

I created a small presentation with a few slides. However, after the transition is made to the next slide I get prev and next buttons but the timeline doesn't start moving unless I click the arrow on the seek bar. When I preview the course the first slide does fine but thereafter each slide just "sits" there.


5 Replies
Robert Perkoski


I uploaded the file Information Science.story. When I try to preview the whole project the first slide opens and the attached  sample sound file runs. Then the transition goes to the second slide but the timeline does not run. If I select the second slide again from the menu then the second slide sound file plays. When on the second slide I test the sound file by clicking the speaker and then options-preview and it works. Also, I am using the 30 day free trial for the application as I am trying to decide whether to us in my department.  In advance, thanks


Leslie McKerchie

Hi Robert! Thank you for sharing your file, that's always helpful.  I cannot re-create your issue, but I will say the first that that catches my attention is your file name.  Special characters (including spaces and underscores) should be avoided.  There is more about this in this article from Microsoft. Be sure that you are working on your local drive and you want to test your content once published, not just as a preview. There is an article here about publishing and sharing your Storyline content.

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