Tracking specific slides in storyline

May 10, 2022


I'm making a course consisting of a total of 26 slides. However I'd like to just count 8 specific of those slides as being part of the tracking. The slides have videos embedded on them which would be mandatory to get the course completed.

Is there an easy way to get storyline to just track those 8 slides to get the course to send the completed status to the LMS? 

3 Replies
Judy Nollet

Hi, Bo,

Here's a quick rundown of how to do that:

  • For each slide, create a T/F variable with the default state of False. 
  • On each video slide, add a trigger that adjusts the associated variable to True when the media (that is, the video) completes.
  • For tracking course completion, use a Completion trigger with conditions that require all the variables to be True.
    • Where you put that trigger depends on how your course is structured. It needs to be somewhere the user will definitely go after viewing all 8 videos.
    • For example, that trigger might look something like this: 

If you don't know about variables and conditions, it's worth the time to learn. They provide the real power in Storyline. Here's more info: 

Bo Kristian Olsen

Thanks for your response Judy!

However, I didnt get it to work, maybe I'm doing something wrong?

1.) I've created a trigger for adjust variable for each of the slides containing a video which is set to ''set to true'' when timeline starts. I also tried when the user clicks on the object that starts the embedded video.

2.) I've created a trigger for ''complete course'' when the user goes back to the menu if all the triggers for each slide containing a video is set to true.

no luck , and the scorm status is just incomplete when i read it in the LMS.

Is there something obvious I've missed?


Judy Nollet

It's hard to tell without seeing the file. Best guess: The "Complete Course" trigger on the menu slide isn't running. That's most likely because the "when" doesn't happen every time the user returns to the slide. 

This post has some tips about troubleshooting, including "right timing" (that is, using the proper "when"). It also links to a webinar on the topic: