Trigger Issues

Jun 22, 2016

I don't know if anyone else if having these issues, but for the course attached the triggers are not working correctly.  The state of some boxes and stars are changing despite how the triggers are set up.  For example, only the Occurrence star and larger box should appear when the green description box and smaller grey occurrence record box become hidden.  However, all three stars and larger  boxes are showing up.  Can anyone please help me figure out what might be happening? 


4 Replies
Walt Hamilton


Perhaps I can explain, and in the process save you some frustration in the future. Your triggers for the rectangle and the star are set to initiate "when the state of ...". That doesn't always work because the "When " portion of the trigger tells what action the trigger should watch for, so it knows when to fire.
"When State is ..." is not an action, and therefore does not work to initiate a trigger. This is not your fault; it is an error on the part of Storyline's programmers. It should not have been included in the trigger wizard in the "When ... " dropdown, even though sometimes it does work. It works sometimes if it is listening at the exact moment a state changes. Those rare times are highly dependent on timing and a great deal of luck. Who wants their interaction to work "If I get lucky?"

It is, however very reliable when used where it belongs, and that is in the conditions portion of triggers.

As your experience shows, those triggers are firing, even thought the state is not changing, nor are the objects in the state the triggers are expecting.

But don't create just so your program will work. Good program creation also takes into consideration you, the creator, and me, the maintainer. It makes a lot more sense to me to have the state of the rectangle and star change based on the same trigger that changes the state of the "Occurrence" boxes:  when a box is dropped on a target. I made that change to the claim record, and it not only works as expected, it also places those triggers with the rest of the claim triggers. That is where we would expect to find them, and makes things much easier for us.

Also, please name one object "ClaimObject" and the other one "ClaimTarget". It is so confusing to trace which is being dropped where when they both have the same name. Notice how clear it is to read "When ClaimObject is dropped on ClaimTarget". Continuing to use shortcuts when naming objects will someday cause you great heartache and frustration that you can avoid by using names that are detailed and descriptive.

Russell's method will work and so will mine. The great thing about SL is that there are so many different methods to accomplish something.

Whichever method you choose to use, this is the explanation of why "When state is ..." doesn't work, and didn't work in your triggers.

In the attached file, Claim and Occurrence have been changed, Journal has not.

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