Triggers help

Mar 20, 2024


I am needing help with how to set up triggers for our trainings. We don't want employees just arrowing through them without listening/reading the content so we would like atleast each slide to have a dedicated time of 10 seconds at which point the learner may then advance to the next slide. How does one set that up? I've tried triggers with the timeline, conditions with slide elapsed time but nothing seems to work; they can select next and the slide advances before the 10 second requirement. Could you please provide directions on which triggers to use to establish this rule set. Thank you!

2 Replies
Judy Nollet

This post has a file that demonstrates multiple methods for controlling the NEXT button: 

The simplest is to set the Navigation to Restricted. That forces the user to view the slides in order, and to stay on each slide until its timeline ends. 

  • That built-in programming can be overridden with triggers, as needed. 
Joe Hauglie

There are two triggers that appear with every new slide: Next and Previous behaviors.

By default, both of these triggers are active. What you want to do is to make the state of the Next button "disabled" until that 10-second period (or however long you want) has passed.

So you need to add two triggers that tell the story to do just that: one trigger sets the state of the Next button to "disabled" or "hidden" when the timeline of the slide begins; the second changes the state of the Next button to "active" at that 10-second mark.

Make sure that your timeline is set to be at least 10 seconds long; otherwise the trigger time will default to however long the timeline is.