Trouble with Quiz Links and Reset Results

Jul 15, 2016

I'm new to Storyline and am having trouble with a quiz. I did something so that the link to the next slide cannot be viewed in Preview mode, "The slide target of this link is not available in this Preview ". It worked fine earlier.
Also, I can't figure out how I can reset the slide if an incorrect answer is selected so they can try again until the correct answer is chosen and then move onto the next slide.

1 Reply
Tracy Parish

If you are only previewing one slide you won't be able to see where the "link goes to" (or the next slide).  You might have to view the scene or full project depending on how you set it up.

If you want them to be able to retry a question until they get it correct.  Click on the slide with the question.  At the top of the screen you should now be able to see the DESIGN ribbon.  On this ribbon (appx in the middle) you will see the Scoring group.  Here you will see Score: by Question, and Attempts: 1.  You just change the attempts to as many as you need, including unlimited if that's your design.

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