Unable to select text in slides

Jan 27, 2016


When saved as Web and fetched as HTML5, the slides work fine but I cannot select the text of the slides in either Firefox or Chrome.

I noticed that the slide text is converted to an image before being displayed.

Is this intentional (e.g. a security measure), or is it possible to do something to allow the text of slides to be selected? My students will want to select the text of the slides.

Alternatively, is it possible to print the slides in HTML5 format?

Sorry if my question is basic, I have just started using Storyline on a trial basis.

Thank you and regards,

Grant Bailey

2 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Grant,

This is intentional in terms of how the slides are published and converted to an image format. There won't be a way to copy text off in Flash or HTML5, so you'll want to use a method such as Walt mentioned such as publishing to Word if they need to print, but that will also create images of the slides themselves. 

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