Unable to send xAPI statements to Grassblade LRS

Oct 27, 2016

Hi team,

We are trying to republish our articulate based modules for TIN CAN grassblade LRS.

We found some solution from the below link(https://www.articulate.com/tincanapi/) but still there is
no reporting happening on Grassblade.

We need your support team help to short it out please find the

publish URL details also.

or just guide us how could we published our Articulate Storyline 2 modules for Grassblade LRS.

{"mbox":"mailto:ex@mple.co.uk", "name":"Example User"}

API USER: 14-45e6606e6b90b76 PW:a2bfd52aacf7e067aa97a7df7

7 Replies
Pankaj Agrawal

Hi Ashok,

I agree with @Brian, you can test the content with Scorm Cloud first. 

If you find issue with content, the community should be able to help very well. 

The content seems to be playing fine now. So, it should be recording well in GrassBlade LRS as well. To be able to get more help specific to the LRS I request you to contact via Next Software Solutions support. 


PS: I hope you are aware that you are sharing sensitive information when you are sharing API user and password details, or even the full launch url that contains encoded api user and password. You can limit the data exposure when using GrassBlade Secure Tokens

Ashok P


We need your help on How to forward my course report(LRS based) from SCORM Cloud to Grassblade LRS.
We have inserted the endpoint/username/password of our SCORM could and also the destination endpoint/username/password on
SCORM Cloud Statement Forwarding field but its not sending any update or statement to our grassblade LRS.
Please guide us with some example or let us know where we are going wrong.
It will be a great help.

Pankaj Agrawal

Hi Ashok,

After inputs from Scorm Cloud support it seems there is a bug in their configuration. So, you need to removed the last "/" in the Endpoint.

The data takes an hour to show up on the LRS, because they send it in batches.

Also, for me the Forward Settings did not update with blank date field.


Crystal Horn

Hey there Ashok.  Leslie's right, and I don't have any experience using the statement forwarding from the LRS tab in SCORM Cloud, unfortunately.  Are you able to use the Help icon at the bottom of the SCORM Cloud page?  I typed in "statement forwarding" and it brought up what might be a helpful article in getting the destination endpoint information loaded correctly:


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