undo translation?

Dec 19, 2013

Well, I imported the Spanish translation to a project and meant to save as but I hit save instead and so my English version is now gone (boo hoo!!! I have already slapped my forehead countless times). Is there a way to undo this? I do have the translation document that has the English version as the original text for reference. I guess I can replace the Spanish with the English in that document and then do the translate but was wondering if there was a quicker way (or if I just have to suck it up and pay the stupid tax!?).

Thanks. *sigh*

3 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Adena,

Oh no, I hate when I do things like that. :(

Unfortunately, no easy "undo" button for this one. But since you have the translations, I would start with a "save as" just so that it doesn't happen again, and export out the translation document as it is in Spanish, replace all with the original English column (should be able to copy/paste the cells of the chart) and proceed as normal from there. 

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