Unpublished Scene

Apr 01, 2013

Im testing out the last details of Storyline and I published a 3 scenes testing course. It only publishes two scenes out of those three and once I'm done with the first one, I can't move on to the next one either (I surely have done something wrong there, but can't find the mistake).

I need your help. Thanks in advance.

5 Replies
Christine Hendrickson

Hi Javier,

Thanks for the file! I took a look and it seems like something may have hidden that other scene in the menu. I went into the player settings and reset the menu. All of them seem to be showing up now.

I uploaded the file for testing:

Testing for Javier

I'm also attaching the modified version of the file. Can you take a look and see if they're working for you as well?


Javier Mosquera

It does work. Thanks.

Two things, though:

I have added a 4th scene, but I need it to be at the beginning and Storyline adds it at the end. I don't seem to be able to drag it before the others. How should I do that?

Any idea of why the third scene wasn't shown? Cause when I added this fourth scene, again, I could only see the first two scenes. Not the third nor the fourth scenes were shown (in the previous file, your file was ok).

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