Uploaded "story.html" file displays a blank page on our web page

Oct 21, 2022

We need your help - we have a problem because storyline 360 ​​no longer exports the html5 file. We have a problem with new "story.html" file because it points to the root URL without the base href when web page makes a GET request.
When we upload a publish file to FTP server, all file rights are appropriate, but when the user starts, a blank page is displayed. The console shows us a 404 Error (Page not found) for the files desktop.min.css and frame.desktop.min.js, when page inspect is done. It's the same for mobile devices (mobile.min.css and frame.mobile.min.js).
We have in story.html the base href written correctly in the head and when we directly click on the link, it finds the file and opens it, but when the page makes a GET request, it points to the root URL without the base href.
For example:
Our base href is /Content/article/ and when we click on the URL to the desktop.min.css file in the story.html file, we find the file -> point to www.url.com/Content/article/html5/lib/stylesheets/desktop.min.css
But when the page is loaded in Google Chrome, it tells us that the page is making a GET request point to www.url.com/html5/lib/stylesheets/desktop.min.css. The file responsible for the GET request is bootstrapper.min.js:2.

Is this a bug in StoryLine 360 ​​or do we have to mark it somewhere correctly when we create the output for uploading to FTP?

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