Use of variables and triggers to unlock scenes in sequence? Help.

Jan 07, 2018

I have a course (created by someone else) that needs to be edited so that the final scene containing the course assessment unlocks at the end of completion of all the other scenes.   At the moment the final scene is always open throughout the whole course so that the user can take the assessment at any time.

They haven't used the the method of duplicating  the home scene throughout to unlock / bring in the next scene in the sequence.

Is it possible to explain how this might have been achieved using triggers and variables? :/

1 Reply
Michael Hinze

Have a look at the the attached example and see if that's close to what you want. At the end of each section a variable, e.g. Topic01Complete is set to True before jumping back to the menu. On the menu slide, the Visited state of each of the section buttons is set to  Visited based on the associated menu value. Once all five menu buttons are in Visited state, the state of the Assessment button (which starts out as Disabled) is changed to Normal. There are lots of variations on this approach, depending on your exact setup.

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