Using a trigger to change the state of an object on another slide

Jul 30, 2013

I am creating a course with five subject areas.  The course navigation screen has an object for each subject area.  I would like to change the state of the object on the menu slide after the learner completes the portion of the course related to that topic.  Right now, when I set the state of the object it is either not changing at all or changing when the item is clicked regardless of the trigger that has been created.

Can anyone assist with the triggers and states that need to be established?

7 Replies
Jesse Cabaniss

Let me point out that you could have the button change to the disabled (or whatever you want) state as you click on it, but that doesn't ensure that the learner has completed the activity. I prefer to only have the completed state occur if the activity really has been completed.

You could have it change when clicked, though. Just edit the states to change the state right away. The thing you have to be careful about is the order of the triggers. They fire in order, so you must have the state change trigger happen before the slide change. Attached is the same example with the state changes and no variables.

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