Using buttons to move between "tabs"

Oct 06, 2016

Hi Everyone,

I have a course that is broken out into modules and each module is broken into five topics.  I have it structured so that users can navigate back and forth between different topics by using a set of shapes along the bottom of the window, each set to navigate to a new slide when clicked.  I wasn't able to set it up like a tabbed interaction on one slide because each topic will have several layers and it would have gotten extremely unruly.  

The problem I'm running into is that when a user navigates through the topics in order I have the states on the shapes set to change to show that they have already completed the topic (see the states in the image, the transparency is set differently for "visited" ).  I get into trouble when my users try to go out of order.  I would like for them to be able to be on the first topic, click on the last topic to navigate to that slide, click to navigate to the third topic from the last topic's slide, then come back to the first slide and the other two topics that are completed are in their "visited" state.  

I know I can't set a trigger to change the state based on a click that happened on another slide, and I've been trying to do it with variables for a while with no luck.  Can anyone walk me through this? 

3 Replies
Hillary Albaine

For clarification, I have tried assigning a variable that changes to true when the shape is clicked, and on the other slides doing "change state of" on the equivalent shape on that slide, at start of timeline, with condition for ==True on the variable I set up.  It has not worked for me yet.    I've also tried setting up a variable on the object with a value of 0, then adding 1 when it's clicked, then telling the object on another slide to change state of when greater than 1.  No luck there either.  
Thank you!

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Hillary,

Are you able to share a copy of your .story file here? That may be much easier for folks to follow along with your custom navigation you're trying to set up and offer ideas and alternatives to how you could change the visited state for these things.You can attach it using the "add attachment" button at the bottom of the reply window.

Hillary Albaine

Unfortunately it would require a lot of editing to the file before I would be able to share it due to my company's privacy policies.  I will see if I can copy just a sample of how I want that interaction to work to another .story file. 

In the meantime, if anyone can offer any advice based on the screenshot I provided, I would be grateful!

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