Using Scrolling Panels in a Hotspot quiz slide

Oct 06, 2016

I have an image in my quiz slide that I am using for a hot spot quiz question. I set up the slide from the insert quiz slide menu, so I know the formatting is correct. When I was reviewing the quiz I realized the image was to small. I put the image into a scrolling panel and put the hot spot into the scrolling panel as well. When I reviewed it the hot spot will not recognize in the scrolling panel. Is there a way around this?


4 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jess,

Unfortunately not, this is a behavior we've reported to our QA team and currently there isn't a way around the scrolling panel behavior and how it'll act with the hotspot. 

I'll include this thread in the report filed though so that we can update you here once there is additional information to share. 

Jess Larche

I found a work around for this situation. Thank you for adding my inquiry to the QA team report. For anyone else with a similar issue I found the best solution was to  create a multiple choice quiz slide. Then I added buttons to trigger a slide layer. On the new layers it showed the image inside a scrolling panel with a selection of the image framed. The different buttons showed different sections of the image. So instead of the user creating a hot spot they select the image with the frame around the correct location. I have attached an Image to clarify what I did. 

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