Validating keywords in Text Entry/Data entry fields

Feb 10, 2023


I am working on a simulation where the user is required to add a comment that must include some keywords. Is there a way to validate the comment against those keywords and if all the keywords are there, the user may proceed to the next step otherwise it will show them the try again layer or take them to the "Simulation Failed" slide, depending on their number of attempts?

2 Replies
John Cooper

Hi Linah

You can test whether a string contains a given substring in JavaScript by using the includes() method. So if you have a variable 'textString' and you want to know whether the text 'cat' was included then you might use something like:

if textString.includes("cat") {


The attached example (which needs a LOT of work - but gives you the idea) contains the JavaScript:

const key1 = "cat";
const key2 = "dog";
const key3 = "cow";
var found = ["","",""];
var player = GetPlayer();
var textString = player.GetVar("TextEntry");
if (textString.includes(key1)) {
    found[0] = ("you mentioned " + key1 + "\n");
if (textString.includes(key2)) {
    found[1] = ("you mentioned " + key2 + "\n");
if (textString.includes(key3)) {
    found[2] = ("you mentioned " + key3 + "\n");

where TextEntry is the user input string you are testing and response is a text variable displayed in a text box on the screen

Walt Hamilton

There are a couple of examples in this thread.

At least one of them allows you to enter your search words and variations without digging into the JS, and I don't think either needs any work.