Variable being used - can't move to next slide

Dec 29, 2016

Hi there,

I have added a variable to the slide attached that it cant move to the next slide until the state of all the ovals are visited. I updated the next slide to add the condition but I can't seem to move the slide forward at all now.

Any ideas why this is happening?


3 Replies
Dave Cox

Hi Pauline,

The default value of your variable is false, and your logic also sets it to false. Therefore you are never changing it to true to allow the navigation. Also, I moved the empty slide one to position two, to give the slide a place to navigate to.

With your method, you don't allow navigation, but there is no indication to the student about why the next button doesn't work. I've found that this lack of feedback will cause the users to think that the course is broke. This will cause endless problems for you. I changed your logic to disable the button, so there is a visible indication that the button isn't supposed to work. I also changed the logic to check the logic during each click, and enable the button when all three buttons have been clicked. 

And last, I've found that you can't reliably use the visited state for your logic. It is better to keep track of this using a variable for each item. The you can check the condition of the three variables to allow navigation after all three items have been visited. 

I've attached the example with the updated logic for you.

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