Variable of timer in question storyline 3

Sep 22, 2023

Hi. What is the variable of the exam timer in the story line3. Is it possible to display the time of the exam in a text?

8 Replies
Jose Tansengco

Hello Mah Bag,

Happy to help!

There isn't a way to reference the built-in exam timer in Storyline 3, but you can check out the following workarounds if you need to create a timed quiz in Storyline 3 with a timer that can be referenced: 

I'll let other members chime in if they have other solutions that they'd be willing to share.

Hope this helps!

mah bag

Hello and thank you. The problem with these types of timers is that when we do not answer a question and press the submit option, the program will give a message, and when this message is displayed, the timer will stop, but the storyline self-exam timer will continue to work at this moment.

I made timer  without submit option.

mah bag

Hello and thanks, I have two storyline files from two sources. One has more system variables than the other. And at one ,time the test specified its variable and it can be used. But in Storyline 3 that I have on my computer, this variable is not defined. What is the reason?Probably the version of these two is different؟!