Web object works in browser, doesn't work on Articulate Mobile Pla

Aug 20, 2014

I have a HTML5 game that works in the browser, but doesn't always work on the Articulate Mobile Player on my iPad.

Here's a link to the published example: http://s3.amazonaws.com/tempshare-stage.storyline.articulate.com/stp18vq1fgc11kcr1cllqr7t6q8fd4/story.html

Here's the history...

  1. Found a HTML5 game that worked for my course. Inserted a web object into my course. Published to the web and it worked in my browser. Looked at it on my iPad using AMP and it worked. Great!
  2. Modified the HTML5 javascript and HTML to make it more appropriate for my course (added a background image and changed some of the language, number of basketball hoops, etc.). Published to the web and it worked in my browser. Looked at it on my iPad using AMP and it didn't work. Oh no!

Has anyone had an experience like this wherein a web object works in the browser but doesn't work on AMP (actually, I just tested and the second screen doesn't work on the iPad using the HTML5 version, either)? I looked through previous posts but haven't found anything similar.

Thanks for any help you can provide! I've attached the zipped output from SL.

3 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Erich,

Thanks for sharing that here - I took a look at the link, and the first slide with the web object worked on my iPad within the Mobile player, and on my desktop in Google Chrome. I also pointed specifically to the story_html5.html link on my iPad - and that version worked too. The second slide appears blank even in Google Chrome - so I'm unsure if there was supposed to be something there. I'm using an iPad mini with iOS 7.1 and the most recent version of the mobile player and testing the HTML5 content in mobile safari. Have you checked into what versions of the above elements you're using?

Erich Renken

I think I see the problem. It was working for me because I had linked to "localhost" (my computer's webserver).

Instead of adding it as though it was a local resource, I was adding an internet resource that no one else had access to.


Thanks, Ashley, for testing. It helped me figure out what was wrong.

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