Word Bank Quiz Question Issues...

Apr 09, 2014


In the current course that i'm building, I've inserted a "Word Bank" quiz question.  I've adjusted the layer properties so that the base layer is hidden when either the "Try Again" or "Correct" feedback layers pop up.  I set the question to unlimited attempts.

When I submit an answer, the feedback slides don't behave correctly.  When I click on either the "Try Again" or "Continue" buttons the feedback stays on the screen and I am unable to move past it.

I recreated this issue with the attached test course.  I have been scratching my head on this one for a while and can't seem to figure it out.  Any ideas?

Thank you!


6 Replies
Dax Lovett

Thank you for the quick response Jesse!

I suppose that hiding the layer and advancing the slide is a bit redundant on the "Correct" layer, so I can remove that.  But that doesn't change the way the "Try Again" layer responds.

You made some additional changes that alter the way I want the question to appear.  I want to "Hide objects on base layer" on both the "Try Again" and "Correct" layers.  It seems that the problem is occuring there, because when I uncheck that box the quiz works properly.  But when it is checked is when I have issues.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Dax and welcome to Heroes!

It also seems specific to the Word bank question type, as I tried the same set up on a multiple response and matching drag and drop, and it worked as expected. I will share this with our QA team, but in the meantime, you could add a shape to cover the base layer objects while on the try again layer - you'll need to fiddle a bit with the "Try again" box to allow it to appear in front. 

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