Zoom Picture

Jun 18, 2013

I have a presentation with several small images in it, and I set each of them to zoom with the magnifying glass/zoom picture feature, BUT, I would also like to have the pictures zoom if the user clicks the text referring to the images, is this possible? I know I could do a work-around by using states or layers, but the zoom feature works a little bit better, so if I could make the links zoom it would be better.

3 Replies
Christine Hendrickson

Welcome to E-Learning Heroes, Caitlin!

I'm afraid you won't be able to call a second instance of that zoom with a trigger. Though it would certainly be a pretty nice feature, I don't believe it's currently possible.

You are on the right track, though. It's pretty simple to create a "faux" zoom by using layers and triggers. However, you could also use some states, if you'd like.

You can create a new state for that image that looks similar to the original zoom you applied. Call that state change when the user clicks on the portion of text that you want the user to interact with. 

Personally, I prefer custom states over the built-in zoom feature, simply because of this particular situation. You make one state and then you can apply it to multiple elements, rather than having only one zoom and having to work around it for every other object or item you want to interact with it.

Also, if you'd like to see more options with zoom regions or image zooms, I'd recommend sharing a feature request with us.

Thanks and welcome again, Caitlin!

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