Add an image or a texture in an Articulate slide background?

Jun 20, 2011

Hello Heroes,

Can we add a customized image or a colour (texture) to an Articulate slide background? Here I am adding a sample image. In this course, I want to add the same texture of the table to the slide background (the area in red colour). Is there any option to do that, apart from using the default colors? I want to make it appear that the book is kept open on a big table. I think my intention and requirement are clear. 

18 Replies
Tom Thomas


Thanks for the immediate reply.

But if what I read somewhere was correct (I don't exactly remember where was it, perhaps, it could be in this community itself), there is a way to do that. According to it, publish the file and go to the published folder, open the file 'player' using notepad, and made some edit there. I don't know what was that edit. Can anyone tell me?

Tom Thomas

Hi phil,

Sorry for this late reply. Thank you very much for sending me that link. It is a nice idea. This is what I was looking for.

Currently, I'm trying to understand the steps to make it work fine. Though I could change the background with the defaul picture that Sasha has given in his tutorial, I found that my PowerPoint slide background is not fully displayed while publishing.

Let me do an R&D into it, to check if I am able to add my own customized image.

Once again, thanking you very much..

Tom Thomas

Hi Phil,


I am able to add the image to background. But still some space between the slide area and background area is left in a dark ash colour.

Do you have any idea about filling that area also with the image (texture) that I'm using, to get an appearance of flat wide table space? I am attaching my screenshot to make it clear.

Tom Thomas

Hi Phil,

I tried both  methods. But, the screenshot which I have submitted here was the result of using the second method..I actually don't need any control on the player. My view will be 'slide only view'. There are no attachments and I don't want any glossary as well..If you could solve it, that will be a great help..My idea is to give an appearance of a book kept open on a wide table. I will advance the pages using a 'next page' button (created using hyperlinks in powerpoint, you know)

I also tried Sasha's method. But, I don't know the way to avoid the customized forward and backward arrows, which has been given in the bottom portion.

Tom Thomas

Hello Phil,

That is great!

I want to know, which method you have used to create this interface, Sasha's method or the one shown by Jeanette? I guess you used Sasha's method. If you had used the other method, there would have been an image file in the same folder of player.html. But, in Sasha's method, there used to be an image file in the player folder (the one to fill the background area), which is missing in this folder. I am attaching here what I got after using the template that you sent. What I see is a huge blank ash coloured area surrounding the table space.

Thank you..

Phil Mayor

Hi Tom

I built a custom skin which is basically a file built in flash that overlays the player, I created a shape that was 980 x 640 cut out a 720 x 540 hole in the middle and used the leftover shape to build my flash file (I actually cut the larger shape into top left right and bottom to make the alignment easier)  For the powerpoint template I used the cut out 720 x 540 shape

You have given me some inspiration to build a proper player using this start point so I am going to add so controls etc, I will let you have a copy as it was your idea



Tom Thomas

Hi Phil,

That was brilliant. But my question is, wouldn't it look better, if you had used 1004 X 642 sized shape instead of 980 X 640? Because in Sasha's method, he had mentioned to create an image file of that size.

I'm very delighted to know that you are going to build a custom player template. Truly happy that my small question inspired some one to do something interesting..

Thank You


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