Anyone ever developed a Vehicle Maintenance course or similar?

Apr 13, 2012

Hi all

I've been assigned a project regarding Vehicle Body and Paint (including generic units on H&S, Organisational Structures and Materials & Tools).

There's a very short deadline (as always!) and there's a lot of content (of course!) amounting to 169 A4 pages and around 350 questions, spread over a total of 32 courses!

The original content is very 'informative' (text and images displayed in a WORD doc) and because of the impending deadline (end of June), I feel I have no choice but to break the content up into flip books, linear screens and, as much as I can, engage interactions. 

I have 2 other people helping me on this project, yet both are not experienced Articulate developers - not as much as I'd like for a project this big anyway!

Has anyone got any ideas or examples of things they have developed that might suit this subject?  (In regards to the generic courses too, as the client specified that they'd rather the H&S, Organisational Structures and Materials & Tools courses be more engaging than the Body and Paint courses).

I would love to spend a lot of time designing something really engaging throughout here, but with the tight time scales I fear this is not an option.....

3 Replies
Saenna B Ahman

hi louise, That's an awful lot of content to spend converting!; maybe rather than goign through the mechanics of converting everything (which will take a lot of time from both you and your 2 Articulaters ), perhaps it would be better to take a step back and talk with your smes about what specific outcome they want to get out of their investment in this (rather large!) initiative.Because doing so might realy change the direction of your project ... and possibly make your job not only a lot easier and more fun, but also make the training initiative more effective. You could ask things like:

What SPECIFIC SKILLS do learners need to master? Or is the course instead intended to be more of a reference tool or job-aid kind of resource?What consequences or problems is the training desgined to alleviate or eliminate?

If it is indeed intended to be a skill-based course, what skills are most crucial and how can your course give people opportunities to not only learn but practice the skills? Also how will you and your SMES know whether the leaerners have actually achieved mastery? What kind of on-the-job evidence will you need to look for?

Or,if it's more of a job-aid type of resouorce, under what circumstances will people need to use your resooruce, and what will they need to DO with the information?  how can you make it as fluid & user-friendly as possible?

I know it might seem like these are more lofty questions than just "how do i quickly make this content more engaging," but IMHO ifs worth it to think through these things on the front end, because ultimately they can save you a lot of time and pain later.

Saenna B Ahman

Louise sorry to keep hammering on this but Steve Flowers just posted a reply on a similar thread and he makes a lot of great observations (more elogquently than I!) regarding the problem of just churning out content. I think it's really worth a read! It is the 2nd post in this thread:

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