Articulate E-Learning Heroes Road Shows

Apr 02, 2014

Hi everyone! I just wanted to give a quick update about the E-learning Heroes Roadshows. Planning these without the assistance of any event planning staff while also keeping them cost-effective has been a little more challenging that I expected but we are getting there.

While we haven’t set any dates in stone yet, it looks like we’ll be coming to the first four cities (Austin, Boston, Denver and Minneapolis) sometime between September-March. The plan is to continue these events in other cities in the future.

We want to make these events like an extension of our online community. Friendly and informal with a collection of practical, hands-on sessions that showcase exceptional uses, ideas and techniques for elearning, instructional design and Articulate products.

Because E-learning Heroes like you are what make our community so great we’re also looking for people interested in leading a session. Proposed presentations should enhance the audience’s experience and knowledge of Articulate tools with a focus on practical information, real life examples, “how-to” demonstrations or case studies.


Some suggested ideas for presentations include:



  • Explaining the creation process behind different, and creative ways to deliver engaging content

  • Creative uses of Articulate products for e-Learning courses and other types of content.

  • New ideas for content development

  • How I built this course, or interaction, or weekly challenge activity

  • Design custom templates, visual themes, graphics for courses

Production Tips

  • Top tips for working efficiently

  • Shortcuts and time saving techniques

Instructional or Visual Design:  

  • New concepts, development and advice

  • Effective use of typography, colors, etc

  • Storyboarding, development, and execution

  • Writing for elearning; narration scripts, good questions, etc.

Mobile Learning:  

  • Development and Design of mLearning courses

  • Deployment and execution of mLearning


  • Innovative uses of interactivity (Variables and Triggers, states, multimedia,etc)

  • Examples/hands-on workshop on how gaming and interaction help the learner experience

Learning Management Systems:  

  • The integration of LMS, LCMSs and databases with Articulate

Emerging Technologies:

  • Development and execution of designing content in the cloud

  • Tin Can API

Business Initiatives/Case Studies:

  • Successful business initiatives that involve Articulate tools.

Multiple proposals by individuals and groups are acceptable. For each proposal accepted, one complimentary conference registration per presentation will be given.

We’d love to hear your ideas and suggestions for making this a really great event. For example, there are a variety of ways an event can be run, ranging from short 20 minute TED style sessions to longer project-based work sessions (think Weekly Challenge-ish). I even like the fast paced Pecha Kucha or Ignite format. Think of the best sessions you’ve ever been in and what made them work so well.

Thanks for sharing your ideas and we would love you to submit to present at one.

I hope to see you there!


26 Replies
Stephanie Harnett

Well alright, I'm in for presenting a business case study in Toronto. This would focus on CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) - aka CBS or NBC. I can probably have the CBC folks present as part of the session. I created a 10-part series launched late last year as part of their new educational intranet. The series, created with Storyline, is high impact, video intensive with complex video editing simulations. A presentation and a de-construction/re-application workshop would be cool.  

Let's do it.


Laura Payette

I'm excited the road show is coming to Denver! I'm sad that there doesn't seem to be a lot of advanced functionality on the agenda, though (things like using JS). I can't see paying $250 (minimum) to come when I feel like I already know a lot of what's going to be presented. Is there any hope of getting some more advanced functionality included? Or maybe adding a networking hour to the end of one of the days and charging a nominal feel (maybe $20-$30) to attend? 

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