Automated Problem Notifications

Mar 30, 2011

I am wondering if there is any kind of automated communication that can be set up between Articulate and my tech team regarding issues found with Articualte products.

We had created a program earlier this year and were not aware that there was an issue with Google Chrome until I started searching the forums.

I was hoping we could be a bit more proactive so the tech team is prepared for handling issues, issues we can already expect.

If Articualte could send a notice that certain issues have been reported, researched, worked on, or whatever, I think that would be great.

1 Reply
steve mcmillen

This doesn't completely address your issue but I wanted to do the same thing as you.  I was specifically running into issues occasionally with the Moodle LMS where the SCORM JavaScript API wasn't be applied to the new window, so when the Articulate lesson would load it wouldn't be able to communicate anything to the LMS.  The problem I had is that students who where viewing the lessons would keep going not knowing anything was wrong, and then later find out that the lesson wasn't scored and didn't mark completion.  This has turned out to be a rather annoying problem that hasn't limited itself to specific browser version or OS's, it just pops up from time to time and is a pain in the butt.

I wanted to test if the SCORM API was found properly and then peferabley stop the student from viewing any further.  Now in this case if you modified the SCORMDiscovery.js file you could put a trigger in there that sent a call to a PHP file elsewhere that triggered an email, though I couldn't find any good way to stop the student from viewing the lesson.  Sadly my end result was to create a completly custom player and move away from Articulate in that specific case.  At least then I could stop the student from viewing content if the API wasn't found, plus I could generate email error reports based on various issues.

Based on what info is available even in the Articulate SDK I doubt you could truly get much in the way of email error reporting.

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