Average size of SCORM courses

Aug 17, 2021

Hi everyone,

I'm curious, what is the average size of a typical SCORM course? 

I understand it's quite an abstract question because it can be of any size. We're planning to adopt an LMS and I need to know how much we'll need to store there. I have never used SCORM courses before and I have no idea how they can affect our storage. 

I'd be happy to see the comments of the real users of SCORM files. Maybe you can share the range of SCORM sizes you ever used. 

Thanks in advance ❤️

1 Reply
Surender Rajput

Hi kseniya,

Size of scorm depends on the kind of assets( hd pictures, hd videos,audio), interactivity, length are in your course. All in all size can vary from 2 mb to 460 mb!! , i have seen the course file in this range.

It would be wise to ask your lms provider to suggest the impacts in using heavy scorms. Ask them which one they are using??  scorm 1.2, scorm 2004 or tin can api  as communication standard.

In scorm 1.2, users won't be able to resume course from where they left if the course is heavy.

Our lms has a dashboard which indicates red if file size exceeds 400 mb. So , we do not go beyond it. 

To be frank, stay within 100 mb.. that's my rule of thumb.