Branching in Quizmaker

Jan 16, 2013

Hi I'm interested in having groups of questions activated according to how the first question is answered.  For example:  Where do you live?  User chooses NY and is branched to a group of questions based on NY only.  How can this be done?  Thanks.

3 Replies
serge van royen

Hi Jeanette,

I'm looking for something similar...

The learner gets 5 Basic Questions.

If the score is minimum 4 correct answers out of 5, the learner is branched to a next set of 5 Advanced Questions.

If the score to either the Basic or Advanced Questions is less than 4/5, the learner is branched to Basic Content.

If the result for the Advanced Questions is min 4/5, the learner is branched to Advanced Content.

How can I do this?

Thank you.

Jeanette Brooks

Hello Serge,

Are you using Quizmaker as your authoring tool? If so, what I'd do is create this with multiple separate quizzes, inserted into Presenter. When you insert a quiz into Presenter, you have an opportunity to set some specific properties, including where the learner is branched afterward (depending on whether they pass or fail. More info about that here:

So for example, you'd set up a quiz for your 5 Basic Questions, and then if they pass, you'd branch them to either another quiz with 5 Advanced Questions ... or if they fail you'd branch them to your Basic Content slides... and so on.

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