Can You Keep Your Teeth?! - game demo

Feb 01, 2021

Can you keep your teeth

More than 36 million Americans do not have any teeth! Play Can You Keep Your Teeth?! to see if you can keep yours. Miss a question, lose a tooth! Game demo:

Blog post:

This is a complete update of a ELH Challenge I originally did back in 2016—new graphics, new video, new slider, etc.

10 Replies
Tracy Carroll

Thanks, Anthony.

The play button is not on the video, although it's designed to look like that. The first slide in the Storyline 360 presentation is a screen shot of the first slide in the video, with a dark transparent rectangle over it, and a couple of shapes (play icon & circle outline) grouped together to make the play button. I programmed the play button to change to the color of my choice by applying a hover state. I created a trigger to jump to the next slide (the video slide) when the user clicks the play button.