Can you recommend an USB audio interface?

Aug 14, 2012

Our company's new PC laptops have a consumer grade soundcard that we cannot use for our voice recording (too much noise and distortion).  I'll have to order USB audio interfaces for each designers laptop, there's 9 of us.  Any recommendations for a good product? Ideal if can fit into laptop cases.

7 Replies
Dawn Warner

Thanks for the options. We have a Samsung USB Condenser mic in our audio studio - love it.  What I'm trying to do is give our designers options for taking their laptops and recording at home or in a conference room.  They use headset microphones for those situations so although I love the idea of the MicPort Pro I need 3.5 mm TRS plug in connectors.   Thoughts??

David Anderson

Dawn - I have a couple AudioBox interfaces I use for all my recordings. I'm happy with them and have the older and newer models--both work great. Older models go for around $100 while the current model is $200.

It's about the size of a portable cdrom drive making it small enough to travel. It has enough power to drive most mics without a pre-amp. 

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