Character Packs is messed up

Aug 12, 2013

When I tried to insert a character today, the characters appear to be in pieces in the character pack.  The head, body and legs don't line up.  Any suggestions?

7 Replies
Daniel Brigham

Ok, first things first. Great profile pic. Make me smile.

Second, welcome to the forum. Good to have you.

That's weird about the character pack. If that were happening to me, I'd delete it off my computer (you should be able to find it by going to your Control Panel to the "deleting programs" section). Then I would re-install it. Just make sure you have the "key" (set of numbers) before you do so. If you need help, I'm sure if you submitted a case, the techs would figure out what's goin' down. Hope the helps. --Daniel

David Anderson

Hi Julie - 

(From Peter Anderson in this thread)

Sounds like a DPI issue. Storyline will function as expected when Windows is set to 96 DPI (dots per inch).

Storyline doesn't currently support 120 DPI. If your system is set to 120 DPI, you may experience erratic behavior, such as:

*  Elements of the application are misplaced or distorted.

*  Objects are misplaced or distorted when previewed or published.

*  Zoomed images don't work as expected.

*  Font sizes are incorrect after using the translation features.

Here's how you can switch to 96 DPI. 

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