Community Challenge #1 - Final Entries

Jun 05, 2013

The first community challenge will be officially over on June 15th. This post is to display the entries so far and give people time to vote. Since it was requested that the entries remain anonymous I'll be posting them in this main post. If you have an entry you would like to submit then please send me a PM with a link and small discription (who/what your inspiration was). Vote for your top 3 choices. If I have missed or made an error on your entry please send me a PM.  There is still time to create your inspiration! 

Edit: Added two more entries !!! (06/08/2013)

Edit: Added 5 more entries  06/12/2013

Edit Added one more entry. 06/16/2013  

If I'm still missing your entry, please PM me with a link.

Entry 1  - Link Mondrian

Entry 2 - Link Escher

Entry 3 - Link  Rush

Entry 4 - Link Diego Rivera

Entry 5 Link Gustav KIlmt

Entry 6 Link Escher 2

Entry 7 - Link  And now for something completely different.  Instead of being inspired by art or music I was inspired by comedy Monty Pyhon

Entry 8 Link Miro

Entry 9 Link Banksy

Entry 10 Link Da Vinci

Entry 11 Link Jefferson

Entry 12 Link Candy Store

Entry 13 Link  Abbey Road

Entry 13 Link The Little Prince

Link 14 Link  Mayan

Entry 15 Link Iron Man

Entry 16 Link  Nikki Marie Smith

Entry 17 Link Rene Magritte

Entry 18 Link Lichtenstein 

Entry 19 Link Protagonistes2

23 Replies
Linda Lorenzetti
Blake Griffin

As an avid comic book fan, my first thought was that comic book art could be an inspiration for me.  This led me to search for something comic book themed to inspire me.  I thought that Iron Man would be great... after all, he has a lot of cool gadgets in that suit of armor.  What better way to learn about them than an elearning module?  So, I found a cool piece of concept art from the Iron Man 2 movie.   Then I started thinking of how I would set up navigation around this artwork.  I thought that it would be fun to have buttons that not only link to a lightbox that would describe the feature of the armor, but also that would show the feature.  So, I created some states of the armor and had the buttons change the state when they hover over the button.

Needless to say I enjoyed working on it.

Here is a link:  Iron Man Armor 

Cynthia Ponce


Here is my link!

I was inspired by illustrations from The Little Prince by the French aristocrat, writer, poet and pioneering aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.  I included a jpeg of the module. Thank you! This challenge was a great idea!


Veronica Budnikas

Hi all,

Here is mine:

Rene Magritte HTML

Rene Magritte FOR IPAD:



PS: Can anyone show me how you do the thing where you post one link only but then the relevant file opens based on whether you are on a PC or an IOS device??

Bruce Graham

Thanks Fay!

That was a lot of fun

An interesting tidbit is that when he painted the "WHAAM!" image (which I'm guessing is your inspiration here...), the original comic book image that he used as inspiration had an "unconstrained" explosion, just like this, whereas his explosion on the version he painted tried to constrain it within boundaries.

Your image was not just inspired by him, but copied HIS inspiration

Saw this at an exhibition 2 weeks ago - you do it complete justice.

Nice job.


Nancy Woinoski

Veronica B said:

Hi all,

Here is mine:

Rene Magritte HTML

Rene Magritte FOR IPAD:



PS: Can anyone show me how you do the thing where you post one link only but then the relevant file opens based on whether you are on a PC or an IOS device??

Hey Veronica - if you publish your course with html5 and IOS enabled, you  only have to provide one link - the story.html one. Storyline has built in intelligence to detect whether a person is using an html5 only browser or iOS and will redirect to the format best suited for the device.

Nancy Woinoski

Veronica B said:

Ah-thanks Nancy! So, by IOS enabled, do you mean the 'Articulate player' check box ticked?

Thanks again!

 By IOS enabled I mean the check box that says "Use Articulate Mobile Payer on iPad."

Note that users have to download the mobile player to their iPad in order to use this player. If they don't have it installed, storyline will redirect them to use the html5 version through the browser on their iPad.  Hope this makes sense.

Jerson  Campos

So we had a total of 18 entries for the first community challenge. I was really impressed with all the entries. I hope this first challenge was able to be a nice little distraction from your regular workload and provide some inspiration for your next project.

If I your entry is missing from the main post, please PM with a link and I'll post it as soon as I can.  I'll be posting the next community challenge tomorrow. It will be a good way to start a new week.

Natalia Mueller

It literally pains me to choose only 3. MANY thanks to everyone who submitted all of these great ideas. They were so inspiring...

Candy Shop- so awesome how everything was recreated with PPT

Gustav Klimt- just gorgeous. I love how the menu was incorporated in the art and even though the actual sections weren't part of the challenge, it was amazing how elements of the art were animated into the background.

ahhhhh I can't even narrow it down to one more. The Mondrian is executed so beautifully. Dragging the pencil for the Escher is such a cool idea. The style of Miro and the way everything comes in is just rad... I'm going to end up listing what I love about every single one if I don't stop there. I can't wait to see what you all come up with next!!

El Burgaluva

Hi, Jerson

My idea for this one had been in my notebook for about 5 MONTHS (!) . I know this one finished long, long ago, but a couple of weekends ago I had some time so I thought "Why not see if I can make that idea a reality?"

I took my inspiration from the classic "fight" arcade games I grew up with.

It's all on a SINGLE slide as it turns out, but I didn't think that mattered as the primary objective was to demonstrate a non-traditional example of course navigation, right?

* General Blurb / Background Notes (including a short "under the hood" video)

* The demo

Anyway, just another example for Storyline users to riff on.



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