Creative ways of presenting a list of 30 line items

Oct 25, 2012

Hi Articulate wizards,

I'm currently creating a Compliance training (following User Agreement) in Presenter and there's one area where I'm stuck - my SME has just handed me a tip sheet of 30 line items (things that employees can't do) that needs to be included in the training. I don't wish to add them as bullet points and make myself and my learners go to sleep.....

Would really appreciate some ideas on how I can show the list more creatively!



15 Replies
David Tyler

See if you can group them in a way where you can combine a few into a funny pictorial of people doing some of the 30 things they aren't supposed to do. But in a humorous way so as to make it obvious why they shouldn't be done. But really 30? I'm guessing since it is for Compliance, with a capital c, there is little room for humor since the list is so long. Try it anyway and it will lead to good ideas on how the list can be presented using imagery instead of bullet points. Good luck. Remember, never use password as your password. 

Aarti Talwar

Hi David,

Yeah.. that's a really good idea... use funny images or small videos of folks doing some of the don'ts.... maybe I don't have to tell them all 30 in the course... I can tell maybe the top 5 or 6 and include the remaining as an attachment!

Thanks, David.... you've got me thinking!

Appreciate it!


Kristen Hull

Did you read Highlights as a kid?  This reminds me of Goofus and Gallant.  One boy would illustrate the proper way to do stuff (Gallant, of course) and Goofus would do everything incorrectly.  Maybe you could do a spin on that.

Wim Timmerman

Hi Aarti,

if you spread those over more than one page, or the trainee can't have a clear view of all the items (s)he has to answer, may I suggest you put a number/total number somewhere. By doing this you as a learner doesn't feel desperado on how many there are still to come.

Curious to learn the outcome of your project.

Bruce Graham

Hi Aarti,

If they are just "tips", there's no reason why (for purposes of the training), that they need to be displayed in one place/contiguously, as mentioned above by Tim.

You could place a small "?" icon, (you will find about 1000 here....) on slide, even in different places.

Every time the learner clicks on one, have a text box with the "Tip" fly-in from bottom, (it starts in a Hidden state),, so that they "collect" them as they go through.

At the the end of the course - refer to a resource, or even go through them at that point. If you explain that they have been shown al the way through the course, it validates "summarizing" them in a list or resource format, and (as above), at that point you can group them. You could offer optional "click to reveal examples of where there was an epic fail on this item...." showing personal and financial risks and liabilities as an option exploratory/"aide-memoire" item.

Good luck, and let us know how it went.


Mark Mulkerin

Perhaps a police line up or something Dragnet style.  It will allow you to conceptually group items in terms of types of violation while creating a story or personality to hang the items on.  I.e. you have your Inappropriate Eddie convicted of a variety of inappropriate comments and a general lack of regard for other employees or your Short Cut Steve filling out various paperwork without doing the work etc.

David Steffek

Similar to Bruce's idea, sprinkle icons throughout the course (preferrably each tip will have a unique icon) that the learner interacts with to show the tip. Ideally put the tips on pages with topics relevant to the tip.

In the background, use variables to keep track of which tips have been found.

Then, at the end of a section or other significant point, show a "scorecard" - show in full color the icons of the tips that they found and show in black/white the tips that they missed. Provide a link/tip on the missed ones indicating where to go back and look for them.

Bruce Graham

David Steffek said:

Similar to Bruce's idea, sprinkle icons throughout the course (preferrably each tip will have a unique icon) that the learner interacts with to show the tip. Ideally put the tips on pages with topics relevant to the tip.

In the background, use variables to keep track of which tips have been found.

Then, at the end of a section or other significant point, show a "scorecard" - show in full color the icons of the tips that they found and show in black/white the tips that they missed. Provide a link/tip on the missed ones indicating where to go back and look for them.

Love that as a plan and execution  


Aarti Talwar

Hey everyone,

Wow, never thought i'd get such cool ideas around displaying 30 bullet lists.... appreciate it totally!

Jon - I looked at the info graphic video and it was awesome!

I started building out an info graphic using Prezi and was wondering, is there any way I can integrate my Prezi content into my elearning course? I am using Articulate Studio '09 as the authoring tool.

I will go ahead and post this question as a general one as well, to get inputs from the community.

If anyone has ideas on how this can be done, let me know.



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