Elearning Showcase: Share Your Best Examples

May 30, 2014

Elearning Showcase: Share Your Best Examples

OK, a few weeks ago you shared your elearning portfolios with us. We totally enjoyed seeing all the creative portfolios you shared. 

Do you have a favorite project? Of course you do. And we want to see it.

It doesn't matter what your favorite project is. It can be a full course, single-slide demo, creative idea, or just a crazy idea you've been playing with in your spare time. You can share as many examples as you likeIf you have something you're proud of, show it because we want to see it.

When you share your examples in this thread, please include the following:

  • Title of the project
  • Link to published demo
  • Screenshot from the project

That's it.

Have a great Friday, E-Learning Heroes!

59 Replies
Jackie Van Nice

Tim - Your Spring Green template is one of my all-time faves.

Here's my favorite challenge entry:

Title: An Oktoberfest Quest

Play Link: http://www.jackievannice.com/challenge_game/story.html

Template Download Link: http://community.articulate.com/downloads/p/268949.aspx

Blog Link: http://www.jackievannice.com/?p=175060916


Brian Washburn

I don't get to spend as much time as I'd like at the day job on elearning. But here's something I played around with on my own time for my blog. Feedback welcome!

Title: Death by Boredom

Link to the demo: https://googledrive.com/host/0By6nhY12Tfy_aDAwNUVaem5veDQ/


And of course, here's a shameless plug for the blog post that featured this demo: http://trainlikeachampion.wordpress.com/2014/05/19/solve-the-crime-of-the-century-a-training-murder-mystery/


Daniel Sweigert

I created this game called E-Learning Feud, based on Family Feud of course. I also wrote and recorded the goofy theme song. Have fun:

And if you're interested, here's a blog about how I created it:


Let me know what you think.

Jerson  Campos

Here is something I created for my portfolio. The original training items consisted of a 15 minute long video and a pdf manual. I cut up the video in smaller sections and used only portions of the manual I felt needed to be in the course.


This was one of my early personal projects that I still like. This was an experiment in making a quiz a little more fun. Maybe when I have time, I'll expand on this and make it a full course.

Link: https://visual-e-learning.com/Demos/Fighter/story.html

Phil Mayor

My favourite courses at the moment are the suite of courses I built for changefirst.  Details can be found here.

A link to a very short demo of the course here.  Sorry for linking to my site but I don't have a separate link outside of my site. This is only a very limited demo of what was an amazing course that tracked users choices throughout and delivered information based on their choices, as well as allowing them to print their decisions off at the end.  

Paul Alders

This week I started a new project for one of my clients. The fun part of this project is that this client was searching for an eLearning template that does not feel like a powerpoint. 

This is only a first draft, but because I can put all my creativty in this project it already feels like one of my favourite projects. When the project is finished I will share all the 3d scenes so that you can use it for your own courses.

Title: 3D eLearning

Link: https://www.googledrive.com/host/0B2EIFL8vlRrpUzdsX0Z1cU54Njg/

Adele Sommers

The examples submitted so far are so inspiring! Here's a new project I just finished that consists of a professional portfolio plus an overview of four variations of training design, along with the time and cost to produce them. 

Title: Learning Services Overview for Business Performance Inc. 

Link: http://www.learnshareprosper.com/lms/learning_services_overview/story.html

Daniel Adeboye

Hello all...

Exciting samples I see here and inspiring too... I am very new to designing online courses, I hope to get better as i practice. I am presently designing a short 'amateur-like' course on Effective Examination Preparation just for the practice. I have designed in PowerPoint using several examples and helpful tips from this community and Tom's several posts. However, I intend to use storytelling or branching for the test section of the course, but ran out of ideas and inspiration. Can someone please help me with how I can go about it? Also I think I have problems with uploading my work for easy access, so I uploaded this using Dropbox. I welcome upload suggestions...

Title: Effective Examination Preparation. 

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rlp1mzv4r4uvbcg/Effective%20exam%20prep..pptx


Jason Petersen

Jackie Van Nice said:

Tim - Your Spring Green template is one of my all-time faves.

Here's my favorite challenge entry:

Title: An Oktoberfest Quest

Play Link: http://www.jackievannice.com/challenge_game/story.html

Template Download Link: http://community.articulate.com/downloads/p/268949.aspx

Blog Link: http://www.jackievannice.com/?p=175060916


I LOVE this Oktoberfest course haha!
Jackie Van Nice

John Soudias said:

My favourite courses

Title: Around the World in 80 Days

Play Link: http://tinyurl.com/lf45za9


I really like your Around the World in 80 Days piece, John. Nice music, visuals, use of animation, and effects. My favorite is the map (reached by clicking on the image of the train on the main menu) and the further content it leads to.

For what purpose did you create this one? 

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