Elearning Showcase: Share Your Best Examples

May 30, 2014

Elearning Showcase: Share Your Best Examples

OK, a few weeks ago you shared your elearning portfolios with us. We totally enjoyed seeing all the creative portfolios you shared. 

Do you have a favorite project? Of course you do. And we want to see it.

It doesn't matter what your favorite project is. It can be a full course, single-slide demo, creative idea, or just a crazy idea you've been playing with in your spare time. You can share as many examples as you likeIf you have something you're proud of, show it because we want to see it.

When you share your examples in this thread, please include the following:

  • Title of the project
  • Link to published demo
  • Screenshot from the project

That's it.

Have a great Friday, E-Learning Heroes!

59 Replies
christine jeziorowski

Just started using articulate again after a couple of years in a job with no e-learning..so I am trying hard to get up to speed...love storyline.... this is not my best but my first drag and drop using storyline from my project on  "job interview techniques"...I made the articulate character into an aussie.... Hope the attachment works....

Nancy Woinoski

Hi Diane, you have to edit the story.html file after you publish your project. Add the following code after the title tags

The following code should be placed after body {

background-image: url(yourimage.jpg);
 background-repeat: no-repeat;

Make sure you place the image you are using in the published folder.

If you are using html5 you will also have to edit the story.html5 file as well.


Alexandros Anoyatis

Like Tim, I mostly include templates & interactions instead of full-blown courses, while also trying to extend Storyline a little bit in the process. Here are my top ones sorted by outcome.

Got a ton of work (and made my niece cry her heart out) because of this :

Card Counters 101 ( View Demo )

Card Counters 101

Arguably helped a couple of people in the fora lately with this :

Dynamic Fades & Soundmanager2 background audio (SL2 only) ( Article & Download Link | Demo )

Dynamic Fades & Soundmanager2 background audio


And, last but not least, especially proud of this :

Menu Toolkit for Articulate Storyline  ( View Demo | Download )

Menu Toolkit for Storyline




Amar Kulshreshtha

Namaste all Heroes,

All examples submitted are so inspiring and so creative. I have created a car race game, Its one of my favorite creation that i have developed in last month.
Information About Game:
Game has three levels. The user has to cross each level by saving his car from colliding with other vehicles. The user can collect coins to increase his score. Right now, each level has unlimited attempts.
Demo Link

Flash Demo:

HTML 5 Demo:



 Banner Car Racing Game

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