Full Screen Background freebie (Storyline 3)

May 05, 2018

I made a simple tab interaction for the challenge 199 and before sharing it with the community I wanted to try something new. Since I didn't have much time, it seemed to be a good idea to make a few changes with the player. 

A few months ago, Melissa Milloway shared a post on LinkedIn and showed three different ways to create full-screen backgrounds in Storyline 3/ 360. It is possible to download the story files and code there. 

I gave it a go and got a little surprised to see how it is easy to give a different look with a few lines of code.  

Here it is;

One drawback I need to tell is that background picture won't appear on mobile, at least on Android. If you try and find a way to fix it, please let me know. 

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