I need some advice please - trigger related !

Jan 21, 2016

Hi everyone, just wondering if i can get some help with this slide please ?

The user hovers over the 3 pictures and text appears above each , but then I have a layer I want to permanently appear, called "the main way layer 4 " after the user has hovered their mouse over the 3 pictures.

I've written a trigger for it, but it doesn't seem to work very well and when I can get the " the main way layer 4 " to appear it's not permanent, and will disappear.

I know I haven't got it right, but cant work out where I'm going wrong

Any help gratefully appreciated !


5 Replies
David Jordan

It is working, but, the problem is you have the layers set to hide other layers.

When you go over your third image, it makes the layer appear. Then as soon as your mouse leave that area and enters a different area it makes one of the other layers appear. When that other layer appears, it hides the layer you wanted to remain up.

you need to click the little cog wheel next to the layer name and uncheck hide other slide layers. 

do this for each of your layers and it'll work how your wanting.

David Jordan

One other thing to keep in mind. The way you have the set up. If a person hovers over the far right image 1st, and then the other images, they will never see the "main way" layer. You might want to add some triggers incase they hover over the images in an order that doesnt end with the image on the right. 

I would probably replace your trigger that makes "main way layer 4" appear with the following:

Show layer  , when user hovers over (image) , if variable = true and variable = true and variable = true

I would do the above 3 times. One for each image. 

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