Ideas for quiz interaction

Jul 04, 2019

I really like the format of the quizzes on Britannica. Here is an example:

Any ideas on how to set up the scoring tracker in Storyline?  I would really like to use question banks with this. The rest seems easy to do with the Freeform pick one question. 

11 Replies
Joanne Chen

Hi Anthony,

I mock up a demo as below. See if this is what you are looking for. I don't have time to explain more now but in short I use some variables. You may see how I did it from the story file attached.

Joanne Chen

Hi Michael,

I think you should be able to open SL360 file by SL3 so far. Correct me if I was wrong. 

Yes, the questions are drew from a question bank randomly. It is not difficult to show current score when progressing. But it took me a little time to figure out how to show each question answered state when they were randomly drew from a question bank.

Well, the secret is that I use the built-in variable "Scene.SlideNumber". Since each drew slide will reffer to a specific variable Scene.SlideNumber. I  set triggers like subscribe 1 to variable Q1 when timeline starts Incorrect layer on condition of variable Scene.SlideNumber =1. On contrast, add vaule 1 to variable Q1 when question answered correct. And then change state of each question icon from the master slide base on the value of variable Q1 (the initial value =0) . So if you want to draw 10 questions from a question bank, you will need to set 10 triggers in incorrect layer and 10 in correct layer. When you have the first question slide triggers set properly. The rest will be just to duplicate it and modify questions. No need to do triggers one after one.


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