Images hidden when mouse hovers over an icon

Apr 24, 2018


I'm trying to create a slide featuring personas/characters. On the main slide they see all the characters representing all of our personas but when they hover over an industry icon I want the others to disappear and only those characters related to the industry to remain visible. Using variables and changing the state of the images I can get them to disappear when I hover over the icon but they don't 'restore on mouse leave'. When I stop hovering the images are still hidden. Has anyone done anything similar or know why the variables don't seem to be restored when I stop hovering? Thanks!

1 Reply
Joanne Chen

Hi Ashlee, 

You can make different groups characters in different layers, for example group A characters in layer A, group B characters in layer B. And show these layers when timeline starts so users can see all characters. And then use triggers to hide layers when hovering over an industry icon and restore on mouse leave.

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