Impress.js - have you used it?

Jun 04, 2013

I am looking at an alternative to Prezi (mainly because of the cost), and have come across Impress.js which is an Open Source alternative.  It appears to work the same but I was wondering if anyone had any experience of using it, is it any good, does it work properly, etc?

Link if you don't know what it is -

or the article I found it on -

3 Replies
David Price

Hi Alice

I don't use Storyline at the moment, my company is in the process of purchasing so I can't comment I'm afraid.  However from what I have seen of Prezi it is all hosted online so you may be able to link to it from a slide but not actually embed it.

Impress.js is web based using CSS3.  It is a free alternative to Prezi but still works on the same principles I believe, however it may be possible to embed it in a slide if it is possible to embed HTML, someone with more Storyline experience may be able to answer that better.

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