List of characters with headsets

Oct 15, 2020

I'm creating scenarios for a call center and wanted to find a list of the current characters that have a headset on. For photorealistic characters, I know of Mary, Laura, Teri, and Mitchell . . . Wait, I just found James. Maybe I'll create a list for everyone myself :-). Let me know if I missed anyone. Thanks!

13 Replies
Tammy Knoll-Anderson

Hi again Sarah,

Since there are so many more characters now than before 360, are there any thoughts/plans to add a search field to that feature? Things that make you go hmmmmmmm.

I'd love to search on keywords "headset", "phone", "laptop" (there aren't any, but . . .), "name" (I know their name, but can't find them in the list), "whiteboard", "bald", "long hair", "facial hair", etc. 

Since I'm dreaming ;-), I love to be able to eliminate characters in the filter to find which ones remain. I know, I know, sigh :-). 



Sarah Hodge

Hey Tammy! You're totally right! We've definitely added a lot of characters, and with plans to add even more, I can totally see how having a search field and more filter options would be useful! It's not on our current roadmap, but I really like these ideas and will share them with my team.