MP3 Going Away; What do You Use?

May 16, 2017

After being hit hard 8 years ago when we had to replace all of our WMP and Flash courses to be HTML5 compatible, I'm trying to get a step ahead should the MP3 audio format suffer the same fate (article: Currently, the audio in our Storyline courses is in an MP3 format. Is this what most people use and is there another format that we should begin using and that is compatible with Storyline? 

1 Reply
Adam Hoe

Hi Lu,

While MP3's may slowly retire some day, I personally do not believe it will suffer the same fate as Flash. There was a great deal of controversy over the years with Flash that MP3 does share. It is still very much a supported audio format in Storyline. I am sure community members can recommend slightly better format qualities vs compression. Unless Apple drops a hammer on MP3s (like it did Flash) I wouldn't be too concerned about having a similar situation occur.

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