My first published project - many hours work!

Jun 28, 2011

Well, I've finally finished my first published project. 100's of hours work!

It was for Glyndwr Uni in Wales and is designed to improve the participants enterprise skills.

It has some interesting elements - and I think some of the modules really push the boundaries.

For example, in the first module I managed to make quizmaker do a 'proper' personality test with scoring and bespoke reports!

The demo is password protected - but I think worth a look!

Username: enterprise

Password: vgb123

The password for this demo will no doubt change in the future, so - if you can't login - send an email to and I'll send you the fresh password.

Enjoy the demo - and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. (I learned A LOT making this)

75 Replies
Kathy Hartman

Hi Daniel,

I love your project! I can see the hours of work.   It is absolutely amazing.  Would you consider doing a tutorial on how you did it?  The personality quiz was really interesting.  It could be used for other things too. I also loved module 5 graphics. How did you do the  the "well oiled machine graphic?  I love it.  How did you make the time indicator on slide 21? 

You really worked magic...are you sure you aren't a magician?

David Anderson

First off, that's one one of the more engaging courses I've seen. What stood out most for me was the different style guide (fonts, colors, themes) you used for each module. 

Like others, I found the Quizmaker personality profile highly engaging.  The combination of animated intros kept the pacing up and I found myself looking forward to the next question. I can't remember when 15 questions passed so quickly.

Nice touch on the image-thought cloud effect. I liked how the image preceded the thought cloud and then fit into place as the thought cloud slid in below it.

Build your jigsaw - Great use of fill in the blank combined with an effective progress meter on the left. Sure I could look up top and view the Question X of X--which you creatively titled Piece x of x--but the puzzle piece progress meter was great.

Opportunity awareness - LOL loved the warning sound & flashing light.

Opportunity detector - you created a quiz out of the Labeled Graphic - awesome! Nice touch with the "incorrect" buzzer sound.

Action Plan - yeah, one of more creative examples I've seen there, too

Well done Daniel!

Anna Sabramowicz


I liked it very much on so many levels:

The narrator you used, her voice and accent were beautiful. She was great to listen to.

Your activities were meaningful, I like the use of different people in graphics, really personalizes the questions.

The design is fresh and keeps changing when appropriate, it was pleasing to the eye and I wanted to EXPLORE.

But, the branding and tie in was solid and professional.

There was some fun, unexpected moments, the guy with the buzzer on his head! The noise startled me and then I laughed!

Amazing work. Thank you so much for sharing this with the community. 

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