New Course request form

Mar 11, 2013

Hi folks,

I was curious if anyone has any examples of a form your orgranisation uses when someone requests a new course (whether eLearning or ILT)? Trying to create one but all the examples I seem to find online are for universities and colleges.

Any help would be greatly apprecaited!



22 Replies
Scott Hewitt

Hi Zdravko.

We've are using a creative/technical brief when meeting and starting clients and it works as a list to make sure the main elements are covered. It is very specific to us and are our process. We constantly review and refine it I'd suggest have a look in the graphic design and website area for inspiration as there are some excellent sample documents there. We create a lot of custom e-learning projects so we want to have a document that is suitable for our work from game based learning projects to an induction e-learning course.

We have a section about content, people, site objects, brand guidelines, technical guidelines, writing guidelines, do we have the assets, project background, content background, colour, learning details, user profile, course purpose etc. and only complete a section when its needed. The document is one of the first that is completed on any project. I'd suggest that you create your own as opposed to using one that you find as it will be much more suitable for you process.

smashing maagzine is an online design magazine that often has excellent articles that you can easily apply to e-learning design if you need a starting point.

Hope this helps,

Scott Hewitt

Todd Thornton

The good examples provided seem to be geared towards handing someone a paper form. Granted some of these may have been converted to Gforms, Adobe Forms, SurveyMonkey, etc, but I just wanted to point out you could create a series of branches based on the previous answers. 

Not suggesting this is a problem for you, but there are several threads throughout this forum on how to convince management or other live instructors about the benefits on online learning. In this case, you could provide the same initial link for everyone and if the ILT people submitted ideas, they'd be getting more exposure with the concept of branching and how it can save time without actually knowing that's what they were doing. (at least at first) 

I would not use Storyline/Presenter completely if you needed email results of a survey, but you could embed a survey tool after a branch of a slide or slides. 

Example: What type of course delivery would be most appropriate? 

online   live  blended

Based on the answer they would then be given a different slide/embed with survey questions specific to their selection. If everyone had an account in the LMS you could do a full blown Storyline and store the answers via SCORM, If so, at the end you'd have the basics for a template for the course. 

I realize this is more complicated than just creating a single form and may not be applicable in your situation, but personally whenever I'm online and I get asked to print out, fill out and then send in a form, (the government websites are good at this) my general response is WTF! 

My favorite was a mandatory employer survey which they sent me by mail. Had a website link which then informed me of my mandatory requirement to fill in the printed form I received by mail. (because the online submission system wasn't working) They are still waiting for my answers to be returned.  


Bob S

Hi Z,

I've weighed in on this topic in the past... I personally believe that most IDs/Training Pros that are part of an oganization may want to view this process differently.

We see the "Training Request Form" as an invitation to a conversation. We do NOT believe it should attempt to be comprehensive and cover all possible topics, assessments, etc. Rather it should be short (1 page), easy for the requestor to fill out, and provide ONLY the minimal information neccessary to have a further conversation(s) with a Training PM / ID.

It is during those conversations that the ID should be discovering needs and asking about topics, asseesments, etc etc. Then a Training Proposal is sent back with all of that information detailed out for agreement/approval.

So while all of that information is important to gather, having a SME or Stakeholder fill it out "blind" may not be the best bet. Once they write it down, they are going to want to commit to it.... even if it's not the best topic to test on for example.

Hope this helps,


Zara Ogden

One of the major lacking skills that us ID's have is our ability to sell. The Second is I think our ability to listen. I created the doc I provided cause it fit the organization i was in at the time. There is no cookie cutter solution to the beginning, middle, or end of a project it is taking some tools and adapting them to your need and that of the organization. I find that in some cases i filled out the doc with the SME and in with others i let them complete it preparation for a meeting. In any case the "training request form" is the beginning of a conversation in which we as ID's have to listen. Once we have listened to the "needs" or "wants" we sell them on the best solution for the project.

I try things and fail all the time. I also try things and succeed all the time too.

Bob S

Hi Zara,

Please know that my comments to "Z" above (the original poster) were general in nature and not directed at anyone in particular.

I agree with you that listening/discovering needs then presenting solutions (selling) is an area that many IDs / Training PMs could do better. Heck we all could!     And to your point, there is a wide variation out there of company cultures and situations.

It's just that I've seen and talked to so many IDs that want to make the form "do the work" for them. Either as some sort of threshold to weed-out requests, or because they were not comfortable in a consultive roll rather than just order-taking and executing materials. 

We IDs are, or should be, true business partners that help stakeholders adress business issues. As engaged partners I believe we owe them more than a "fill out this form first" approach. Would any of us hire an outside vendor that said.... before we can even talk, I need you to write down exactly what you want, when you want it, how it will be delivered, who will have what input, etc?

I woudln't. 

Bruce Graham

Here's a generic Template that I have used on various occasions, but as pointed out, it is a start that helps you cover off bases, and should then be amended as required.

@Zara - love the sentiment re succeeding and failing   Our world forgets sometimes that both are a necessary pre-requisite for learning and developing.


Scott Hewitt


there are some very interesting responses to this question. In addition to my original response I'd add that I've used several different form/documents from a creative brief when working with graphic designers to PID (Project Initiation Document) when working with Programme Managers on IT projects.They were all part of my business process.

We use our document as a way to capture and document the client requirement - we amend it all the time (pretty much after each project). We change the way that we use it and its designed by us for use by us! We've took influence from the industries we've worked in as a team - including computer game design, graphic design and engineering ....oh and e-learning!   We don't email it over to the client to complete - only because it is our document and we use it for creating custom solutions. If we had a pick 'n' mix solution then we might have a different form/document that we could be able to use for that purpose and that we could email over to clients.

In this thread there are 4 references to four examples - what a great place to start building your own process!

Scott Hewitt

Todd Thornton

I wanted to point out a "bigger picture" issue particularly as we move forward in time. (I apologize in advance for the diversion from the OP)

An individual and/or group of individuals may not know what they want or more importantly what they need or what will work the best. Very little attention is typically given to actual "data" in these decisions today. They are made based on opinions. (Irregardless of the collection method or the stage in the process) Granted those may be educated opinions and discussions, but they are hardly scientifically based.

If you think about the future, it's quite possible the education director will not have to receive requests for a new course or identify the best course of action for development, because the ongoing data analysis across the organization will have identified the need already. Saltbox rolled out some new analysis features a week or so ago which now can even analyze down to the question level. 

The searches employees make, plus the sites they visit, plus the blog entries they actually read and finally the answers they give on surveys specifically designed to collect data (IE do they know the correct steps for XYZ) would probably give you 95+% of what you needed to make good decisions about what training you needed without asking anyone anything.
(IMHO- which granted is only one data point and not necessarily a good one)  


Scott Hewitt


It seems like a lot of people were looking for a new course request form so we decided to upload one of our forms so that people can download our form and make use of it:

You can download it at Elearning New Course Request Form

We've uploaded a PDF version and also a Word version.We hope that people find it useful in some way!



Yvonne Gettins
Scott Hewitt


It seems like a lot of people were looking for a new course request form so we decided to upload one of our forms so that people can download our form and make use of it:

You can download it at Elearning New Course Request Form

We've uploaded a PDF version and also a Word version.We hope that people find it useful in some way!



Hey Scott, I know you posted this 7 years ago, but any chance you still have access to it now? The link no longer works. 


Zdravko Gunjevic

Hi all,

Updating this since I asked the question 7 years ago (that seems like a lifetime ago LOL). Attached is our New Course Request form. Once we receive this, we'll book time with the SME to go through it in greater detail. A better plan typically emerges from that meeting. THe form is used to start that conversation :) 

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