Next button is not going to normal state

Jun 08, 2017

I have 3 buttons on the same slide which jump to 3 different slides with a picture and audio.  I have the player menu restriction on but the next button activates after the timeline ends, so I disabled the next button when timeline ends. 

Each slide is triggered to jump back to the main slide when its timeline ends.

On the main slide I have a trigger to change state of next button to normal when the states of buttons 1, 2, and 3 are visited.  I see the next button go to normal for about a second when the final button is pressed but when the last slide jumps back to the main slide, the next button does not go to normal.  I have working on this for hours:(

12 Replies
Wendy Farmer

Hi Jennifer

I imported slides 2.4-2.8 into a new file.  I changed the triggers as follows:

Change state of Next button to disabled when timeline starts on 2.4

Change state of Next button to normal when timeline starts on 2.4 on condition that Button 1=visited and button 2=visited and button3=visited.

Slide 2.4 revisit property (resume saved state) and it's working as expected. See attached.

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