Portfolio website doesn't accept ActionScript2 SWF files

Jul 07, 2012


I am trying to create a portfolio website and ran into some problems with Articulate Presenter files. When I try to upload my published Articulate Presenter swf file to my website on wix.com, I get a message that Wix does not accept ActionScript2 files, only ActionScript3. Any ideas on how I can get my e-learning samples uploaded? Or, can anyone recommend other free websites that do not have this problem? 

Thanks, Laura

5 Replies
Patti Bryant


When I used wix.com, I got around that by uploading my files to DropBox (http://dropbox.com/), copying the public link from my DropBox file and then inserting the link onto Wix. When someone clicks the link on wix.com, it will open the Articulate file from dropbox. You could do this with any digital storage service that allows public links. 

I hope this helps!

Keepin' the joy,


Nancy Woinoski

Diane Dempcy said:

Hello all,

I'm trying to upload my presentation to my Wix account.  When I use the Dropbox link it goes to the Dropbox website and the clients need to download the presentation.  Is there a way to launch directly from Dropbox? 

Any other suggestions on how to launch Articulate Presenter from Wix? 

Thanks, Diane

Hi Diane, did you zip your project by any chance? If you did, put the unzipped output in dropbox and on your site link to the player.html file (is using Studio 09) or thepresentation.html file if using Studio13

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