Progression isn't properly saved on LMS

Aug 01, 2018

Hi !

I'm testing a module on scorm cloud, the biggest part of the progress is saved when i quit and come back, but on some slide when i quit and come back i come back 2 slides before.

Do you know what can be the mistake ?

Thanks !


3 Replies
Allison LaMotte

Hi Flo!

I'm so sorry to hear you're having issues with the resume feature. It sounds like you may be running into a suspend data limit. Check out this article for more information.

If the solutions on that page don't work, I would encourage you to reach out to our support team directly so they can take a closer look at your file.

Florian As

Hi Allison, 

Thanks for your answer, and that's it, i found my answer this morning, i export SCORM 1.2 and i discover that's a suspend data limit, because everything was ok in my file, and finally i found a post that talk about suspend data limit with scorm 1.2 here

Thanks for your answer :)

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