Quality at the Source TRAINING

Jan 12, 2015

Hi All!

I am struggling with a new project I've been given - Interactive Training focusing on Quality at the Source. This training would be delivered to employees not only in production departments but also the office departments. Does anyone have recommendations of how to make this training innovative and  appealing? I am trying to avoid the common, dry information used for this topic and also want to make sure that  it can be applied to both work settings (production & office).

Any and all help is appreciated :)

2 Replies
Nicole Legault

Hi Tricia!

Thank you for posting your question here in the forums! Sounds like an interesting new project you've been handed! My go-to tip for turning boring and dry information into something fun and engaging is to try to incorporate scenarios. Start thinking to yourself: what are the real-life situations or opportunities that learners will face where they need to apply the knowledge/skills taught in this training? If you can frame the content in that way, it can make it a lot more meaningful and relevant for learners. 

Here are some resources and articles to help you out with this:

Also some past related discussions that might help you out:

Hope these resources help you out!

Mohammad  Hassam

Hi Tracia,

Nicole has rightly suggested the link in the above. In addition to that, I would to add one more post which was written by her. This article helps me a lot to do training analysis and makes my workshop more (as you said) appealing and innovative.

I would like to share with you the crunch of that post so; you start making your mind before starting reading this article. The analysis is based on 4 basic steps.

1) You should know the existing performance of the employees
2) The performance of the employee supposed to be
3) The performance Gap between the existing and desired
4) Identify the cause of the performance gap
5) Propose the training

Click here to see the post.

Hope this will help.

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