Testers needed for New Translation app for Storyline 360 and Rise 360

May 17, 2020

I’ve been working on an application to make it easier (and faster!) to get your translations back by using Amazon Translate.   This supports both Rise 360 and Storyline 360.  As with any 'machine language' translation, your mileage may vary so you would still need to validate the results.

I’m looking for a few people to test it out.  You'll need an Amazon AWS account and Windows 10. 

If you're interested, please drop me a line so I can get you the details.

I’ll be making the application available in the Windows App Store soon. 


12 Replies
Steve Heinen


I am very interested. I have another authoring tool that does the translation with a mouse click. But I really like Rise.  I will be a good sounding board for feedback.  I have no technical background for coding etc but am pretty savvy working with systems as I designed my own LMS.  

I have tried to google search this issue and it has been very confusing to me.  I have an AWW account as a root user. 

I am at a critical juncture on deciding which authoring tool to use.  If you have a solution that is easy to use I will probably opt to go with Rise.

I look forward to hearing from you.



Cass Netzley

Hi Lucy,

It has! It's also being continually updated by Thor. Quite the slick program and cost-effective for the level of translations it provides for Rise and Articulate. Relatively simple to use for the end-user perspective once set up.


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