
Feb 22, 2013

I exported a scene for translation from English to French and then, once translated, imported the scene.

Everything worked except for the matching questions,  where the "incorrect" layers on the question slides still had the English text and I am unable to edit it manually.

Any suggestions?

3 Replies
Gin Lupton

This didn't really get resolved. In some cases, I deleted the "correct" and "incorrect" layers and put the answer on the next slide.

For others, I did find a work-around:

1. publish courseware

2. go to question and correctly answer question in second language

3. before submitting the correct answer, take a screen shot

4. crop the correct response out of the screen shot

5. go back into the project file

6. insert screen shot of correct information over the non-translated first language text

I had to do this for every type of question on the confirmation slides within the courseware (not the test). It seems that the "incorrect" slides just don't import the translations.

Hope this helps someone else out there!

I also hope Articulate fixes this bug

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