Using action script to replace buttons in Articulate Presentation

May 17, 2011

Hi, Everyone!

I am designing a course that requires participation tracking.

At this point in time I am worried that I have created a flawed design that may not be adapted to the behaviors the client needs. Here is the situation:

The 'home' the page is adapted from Tom Kuhlmann's office layout for Employee Security training (How to Design the Visual Elements for Interactive Elearning Courses; April 27th, 2010). Each office is labeled with one of ten module titles and includes a green button to select the module.

These are my challenges:

1. The learner may leave the module at anytime, and will return to the module via the same home page.

2. The learner has to be able to identify which module was in progress

3. The learner has to be able to identify which modules have not been started

4. The learner has to be able to identify which modules have been finished.

5. Finished modules will display a completed dated supplied by a database.

My thoughts are to use the familiar color change sequence of a yellow button for in progress modules, and a red button for completed modules. Because the office design is tight, completed dates would appear on mouse over.

I am prepared and willing to change my design, but wonder if this is something I could accomplish. I have some limited experience with Action Script 2 and 3.

Any input or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

2 Replies
Paul Kornman

Here's a suggestion: (using Actionscript 2 and the Articulate API):

Every time a user visits a slide, information is sent to your database (e.g. User25 accessed Slide 4 of Module 7 on 5/16/2011).

You home page collects all the existing data for the current user and the button graphically changes based on the latest (or current number out of total) slide that had been accessed for each module.

When a button is clicked, the Actionscript Articulate API call sends the user to the last slide accessed for the clicked module.

I would caution against red for completion. Many people associate red with failure or error.

Maybe a progress bar to indicate status (a yellowish small bar growing to a green full bar - maybe with a check mark as well for completion)

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